ponedeljek, 30. marec 2009

morbid angeles

can you feel a certain inspiration from metal music? trash+black+speed are the key words.

sreda, 25. marec 2009

Not so super

2006, acrylic on canvas, 12.1 x 12 cm

torek, 24. marec 2009


so cool memories about this train...painted it with a good friend and my long time grafitti inspiration GOGO for a group exhibition called arhipelag in nova gorica in 2006.

nedelja, 22. marec 2009

weiss und schwarz

watercolour on paper, cca A3 size, 2008

nedelja, 15. marec 2009

četrtek, 12. marec 2009

time machine

ink, watercolour and crayon on paper

torek, 10. marec 2009


coolturni kriminal, pivka 2007

nedelja, 8. marec 2009

two friends

A4 format, ink on paper

četrtek, 5. marec 2009

torek, 3. marec 2009

Last week

ink on paper, about A3 size
the saints, family and the wind in my head.