sobota, 31. januar 2009


5x5cm each, spray on canvas, inspired by IOKE42

četrtek, 22. januar 2009

nedelja, 18. januar 2009

dead city

guess where the inspiration came from

petek, 16. januar 2009

My family 2

photocopy, ink and acrylic on canvas, 72 x 85 cm, 2008-09

sobota, 10. januar 2009

My family

I did this last year. Acrylic, ink, photocopy on canvas

četrtek, 8. januar 2009

torek, 6. januar 2009

Milk and black coffee

ink on paper, A4 size, freshly drawn

sobota, 3. januar 2009

wake up

my sweet acrilic dreams...40x30

Second start

A bit bigger painting, 17.3 x 30.9 cm